Tilter Converter from Square Drive to Hex Drive for venetian blinds….hand made


Tilter converter from square drive to hex drive.
A great way to DIY and convert your square drive wand operated venetian blind and other cord operated venetian blinds with square drives to hex dive with cord operated mechanisms…most suited to spotlight timber blinds and composite blinds .
Buy the converter, tilter cord operated and remove the old redundant tilter and put the new one in.
Suitable for both Timber Venetian blinds and composite venetian blinds with square drive shafts approx. 4.5mm thick and headrails 40mm x 50mm



3 in stock


Tilter Converter from  square drive on venetian blind to hex drive when square drive tilters are no longer available……., hand made by me.
Easy fit email me me to ask me how.
Suits most head rail venetian blinds that are 40mm high x 50mm deep (front to back)
Spotlight timber venetian with timber wands are a great example with others easily converted as well.
Suits conversion of 4.5mm square tilter rods on venetian blinds
See photos

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 1 × 1 cm


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